Animation as per my experience, is making interactive things. If you like animation and want to start learning it then you can use following softwares :-
Scratch is free 2D animation software from MIT. It is used mostly to teach beginners. Most of the schools are teaching animation. Till 5th class they use Scratch as a tool. It is easy to learn. Dragging and dropping scripts into the script board made scratch the top freeware in the market. I recommend Scratch for beginners.
Note: Students like to make animation using scratch. It’s great fun time for them.

Macromedia flash
Macromedia flash is paid 2D animation software from Macromedia. It is another great software which is being used in schools. But before using flash you must understand its limitations. According to Adobe’s forum, flash is going to extinct in few years. Android 4.1+ versions will not support flash based content. Instead web is moving towards HTML5 standard. Although, for a decade,flash animations and games will continue to dominate the market. After learning scratch basics, you can start learning Macromedia flash.
Note: Classes 6+ uses flash. Most of the students don’t understand it. You have to do serious efforts to learn advance features of Macromedia flash.
Fact: Macromedia flash is now Adobe flash. Adobe purchased Macromedia.

Autodesk 3DS max
3DS max is paid 3d animation software from Autodesk corporation. For professional as well as advance animation learners, 3DS max is top quality animation software. Because of the fact that its paid, it provides powerful options. 3D objects can easily be drawn using it.
Note: If you are willing to be a successful animator, you must learn Autodesk 3DS max. But remember, it has too many features. You must thoroughly practice its features otherwise you will be confused.

Autodesk Maya
Maya is paid software from Autodesk. This software is capable of creating full HD 3D movies. In real world the movies you watch on your television are made using Autodesk Maya.
Note: Best quality software which renders movies in realtime. Most of the movies we see today are made using Autodesk Maya. It’s costlier than any other software available in the market.

What should you do?
You must start learning animation step by step. Beginner to Intermediate to Advance. This is the only way to become a successful animator.