Most of the Android users must be wondering about poor battery life. We can do almost anything on our devices, laptops are things of past. Best thing about our devices is portability. Thus we need to tweak our devices to get better performance, speed and durability.
Basically we will be using combination of two softwares Smart Ram booster and ultimate juice defender. Both of these softwares can work without root but some of its true functionality will work with rooted Android devices. Smart Ram booster pro app can give your device a boost by freeing some RAM in your device. It will terminate blacklisted applications and keep your phone safe from crashing. There is an option of boost while screen is off which helps in improving battery life.

At most times we need a smart device who can understand what we want to do. For this purpose ultimate juice defender is required.

Free version of juice defender is available in Google play store but we need ultimate version to make our devices more smart. There are tons of apps in the market to do this job which are free to use and doesn’t require root privileges such as Du battery saver. They can do similar job but not as smart as combination of Ram booster and juice defender. Give them a try and share your experience.